Sunday, September 12, 2010


What is the fucking difference between white and gray and legal? Sirs and Ma'ams, there really isn't time for us to check out library books, let alone check out library books and read them and learn all the fancy laws conceived, ill and otherwise, by some ancient chickenshit with a wig and a bottle of 100-proof ink.

Generally Bad Ideas was born from a thirst for knowledge and water. But mostly water. After "winning" the teaspoon-o-cinnamon challenge (there really is no winner, in our opinion), our sights turned to the next spicy target; that spiced target is Nutmeg. The first grab at the answer bag yielded some high-class bullshit packaged as a tell-all story. Long tell-all short: a lot of Nutmeg, ingested orally, can make for "unpleasant," dream-like hours of fun. We were told doing Nutmeg would be a Generally Bad Idea. Who knows someone that cares? The real question is... what will our shit look like?


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